Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Word Game Project

I had to do a word game project for my Phonics, Fluency, and Word Study class. I chose to go with helping middle school students learn vocabulary words that are supposedly middle childhood level. Apparently, middle school student should know what the word pulchritude is. Well considering, I had never heard of it until I started going through those list of words, I chose some of the harder words. I broke them down into suffixes, prefixes, and root words with definitions of each. I am planning on giving the definition of the word and see if my fellow classmates can guess  the words based solely on the definitions on the back of the prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Then I am going to have them fill in a sheet with the words, with correct spelling in the blanks. The first group that wins is going to win something cool, like stickers, haha. I'll think of something good by October, when I present it. I'm looking forward to presenting it and seeing what my professor thinks of my techniques or ideas. She is after all a Doctor Of Education, meaning she has her Ph.D. in Education and was national teacher of the year twice. Yeah, big shoes to follow in.  That is me looking morose and unsure that I will actually ever be able to live up to that.... (I was listening to some depressing music at the moment too, I might add).

I don't know if anyone is reading this it all, but for those of you who are, I'm always looking for new musicians to check out. They don't necessarily have to be "new" just new to me. So if you have an artist to recommend me, don't hesitate to leave a comment, and maybe I'll add it to my playlist if I like it enough.
Below is a picture of  the word cards for the game, the vocabulary words I chose, and the worksheet to go along with it. 

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