Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Here is the picture prompt for today with the caption, "All she wanted to do was camp out here forever?" Which leads me to the question, that I'm sure everyone has. WHY? It's ugly, it's cracked, it's faded, and it has no real appeal. Then of course I am reminded that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or as many college students say "beerholder".  While all I see is ugliness and worthlessness, someone else sees something beautiful, peaceful, and worthy of a second glance.
    Of course I am then reminded of how awesome our Heavenly Father is, because I am like the ugly, broken facade in the picture. But the Lord in his great mercy has deemed me worthwhile and beautiful in his eyes. So while others may judge outward appearance and base judgments on only only one glance, the Lord looks deeper, and thankfully he did. It reminds me to be thankful everyday for his grace and mercy that he poured out for me and for dying to take my sins away.  It also reminds me that there is beauty in everything, every person, and in every circumstance or trial that we go through. It definitely reminds me of this song by Jason Mraz...

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