Thursday, September 17, 2009

Soundtrack of Your Life Project

Music has become an integral part of human existence. It motivates us, calms us, inspires us, at times irritates us, and basically becomes the backdrop against which we live our lives. Songs can bring vivid memories of persons, places, and events from our own past and serve to document our thoughts, feelings, and emotions at a given time or place.

Part I Assignment: Imagine you were asked to compile a soundtrack for your life. What songs would you include? Collect the titles of at least ten songs that are meaningful to you and that you feel document something personal in your own life. Just as music producers do, try to create a progression in the sequence of your chosen songs. For example, your songs might be listed in the chronological order of the events they document, or they might be mixed together so that all of the slow songs are not back-to-back. DO NOT just list them randomly. Put some thought into the order of your songs and the complete package you are presenting.

Song Title Artist or Group

Track 1 Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez

When I feel lonely

Track 2 You're the One That I Want - Olivia Newton John and John Travolta

When I'm happy

Track 3 Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley

When I'm sad

Track 4 Lost - Michael Buble

When I'm depressed

Track 5 Platypus I Hate You - Green Day

When I'm hating

Track 6 Hate The World Today - Starfield

When I'm mad

Track 7 I Will Follow You Into The Dark - Death Cab For Cutie

When someone I know passes away

Track 8 Broken - Lifehouse

When I'm hurting

Track 9 When a Heart Breaks - Dave Barnes

When I get my heart broken

Track 10 Saving Grace - Bob Dylan

When I feel guilty

Now that you have created the imaginary soundtrack to your life, you will need to reflect on the experiences, persons, places, etc. that inspired this selection. Obviously you will also need to explain who you are as a person and then offer some type of reflection upon the imaginary album as a whole.
Topic #1—Explanation of yourself

This paragraph is basically a brief autobiography:

• Who are you? I am Gwen. I am crazy, intense, lovable. All sorts of

• Where are you from? My mother's womb and Ohio

• Where are you now? In College

Your rationale or purpose in creating this soundtrack:

• What is this album you have created? I created an album based on my

complex emotions.

• Why are you completing it? I love doing these kinds of things. I feel
it can be a great way to find out about yourself, inform other people of
your uniqueness, and mainly because I had time before my next college

• What do you hope to get out of this project? Like I said above, if out
of this project I learn something of myself; then, that is a great

• What do you see yourself doing with this later in life? Probably
looking back on it and wondering why I listened to that song or chose
that song.

• What goals did you have for creating it?Finding out more about myself.
I am a very inward looking person. I dwell alot on bettering myself and
finding out why I do or feel the things I do.

Why You Chose The Songs You Did:
• What does each song reveal about the kind of person you are and what you
think is important in you life? All of the song I chose were songs
that while I was facing one of those emotions, clicked with me. Songs
that cause a sort of physical reaction in me are the ones that stick with
me the most.

Heartbeats by Jose Gonzalez
to me is about having one perfect moment with someone you love, but never again can you have that perfect moment and over time you grow apart and lose that thing that made it special. It doesn't necessarily refer to romantic love, but in general. Every time I hear it, it breaks my heart a little.

You're The One That I Want from the movie Grease's Soundtrack is one of the most upbeat and happy songs I've ever heard. Every time I watch the movie or listen to the song it not only makes me want to get up and dance, it gives me hope that someday I will be the one that someone wants. I know it's cheesy, but it puts me in a better mood.

Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley is without a doubt one of the saddest songs I've ever heard in my entire life, coupled with the way in which Jeff Buckley died makes me want to bawl like a baby every time I hear it. The mixing of religious metaphors intertwined with love stories, intertwined with betrayal and heartbreak makes it one of the best songs ever written. It has beautiful lyrics and Jeff Buckley's five octave range gives it the perfect vocals.

Lost by Michael Buble Okay, so this song does make me cry every damn time. But they are not sad tears, but more heartstrings tug tears. The music video which I posted earlier, just makes me weep like a weeping willow tree. The whole message of the song is that of someone who died and is watching over their loved ones who feel like they are lost and have no hope. And the person who has passed is giving them hope that "Baby you're not lost". It not only is beyond sad, but it is also wonderfully uplifting at the same time. It has the perfect balance of both emotions and when I'm feeling like I can't go on I put that song on and realize that no matter what emotion I am feeling at the moment, that I am not lost. I can go on.

The next song Platypus I Hate You by Green Day is pretty self explanatory. It is one of the most vicious songs I've ever heard, but I've thought and felt much worse when I'm pissed at someone. It takes me a lot to get to that point with people, but once you screw me over more than once, you are done. So yeah, that is definitely why I chose this song.

Hate the World Today by Starfield, is my perfect angst, anger song after I've had a horrible day. Plus, it's a bit slower, which are the songs I prefer to listen. And to top it all off, it talks about even though I'm hating the world at this moment in time, I'm loving the love that God has poured out his love for me and he will help me carry on and fight.

I chose, I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie, for the feeling of someone passing on. I've had a LOT of people I am close to die, and I'm over the weepy sad songs. I know that there is hope for those who died knowing Christ that they are living in Heaven. I chose instead the most romantic song I have EVER heard. It is this song. I love the idea of couples dying together after their life together is over and their race is done. It just makes me teary eyed and
then I have to watch the Notebook.

I firmly believe that there is no more fitting song than Broken by Lifehouse, to me it speaks to the very heart of my life and soul. Even when I have made all my mistakes, and I'm broken, bruised, and ugly to everyone else, God is still there waiting for me to give him everything. It's okay to fall apart and ask for his help. I don't have to be perfect. And there is healing in the name of Christ when you let go of the wounds, bruises, and hurts your carrying and call out to him. Beautiful song.

Well I've had more than one broken hearts to find out that, When A Heart Breaks, by Dave Barnes is a great song to describe what a broken heart feels like. My favorite lyrics talks about "it's a tear in the dark, all alone in the car in piece in pieces; it's the sound of mistake as I lie here awake sleepless, sleepless". Too many times I've done that exact same thing wondering what I did wrong, if I was ever going to find love, and my heart shattered in pieces. It's so beautiful and perfect.

Bob Dylan's Saving Grace
is my perfect "feeling guilty" or apology song.
It's actually a song about dedicating your life to Christ (or at least my interpretation of it) and repenting for being wicked and a sinner. However, I feel that it could parallel relationships with people as well. I just love the song. It makes me want to go out into a field of wildflowers and dance.

Reflections of the project:
I really enjoyed this project to be honest. I thought that it made me look at songs at a deeper level. I've always been a person that looks more at the lyrics, than the music. I would much rather listen to a bad song "musically" that had great lyrics, than a great song musically with horrible lyrics. By actually looking at the lyrics and how they apply to your life is a great way to see where you are at, and what kind of person you want to be in the future. All of the above songs tell me personal things about myself and how good my life truly is. I often complain and bitch and moan about things, but life is good for the most part. I have food, shelter, warmth, and love. I'm blessed.

Enjoy the playlist!

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