Friday, September 18, 2009

My Favorite Place on the Planet

So I was inspired to write about my favorite place on the planet a few days ago, I think I may have written about it before here and there, but I am not sure I ever fully explained why I chose that spot or what it meant to me.

So the place I'd rather go to any other place on the planet is a spot behind a toolshed (or machinery shed) on my parent's farm. The shed sits on a bit of a hill with fields green either wheat, soybeans, or corn during the spring, summer, and fall. Sitting out there especially in late summer and early fall before the crops come off, particularly when corn is planted makes me feel isolated and safe. It also gives me a great view of east, north, and west. I love sitting out there during sunsets when it is cooler, dew has fallen on the grass and listening to great music while watching the sky turn different shades of blue, purple, orange, pinks, reds. It is absolutely gorgeous. It is the most peaceful place I can go to read, write, or just lay in the grass and contemplate.

Another reason why it is so special to me is that it brings back wonderful memories of growing up on the farm. When we were little my father built a wagon that hooked up to the back of the lawnmower and took us on rides. My particular favorite ride was when he'd drive down the side of the hill really fast and we'd always feel the breeze in our hair on summer evenings and see the sunset as we'd drive down the hill. As I got older I spent less time out there, but there were many times I'd take a blanket, my boombox (yep, I had a boombox), my bible, and a journal and just spend time with God back there relaxing and enjoying the expanse of green grass, the safety of the tall corn, and the beautiful weather and scenery that God had painted. There are many times now that I wish I could escape there on bad days and look forward to going home so I can spend a few hours out there just relaxing and being in awe and wonder of God's amazing love and creativity.

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