Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Everytime I claim I'm going to post more, I don't. So instead, I'll try reverse psychology. I'm not going to post ever again. (Now if I do, I have succeeded and if I don't, I'm just being truthful). That being said, I'm an odd duck as my family and friends have been prone to tell me in my lifetime. Embarrassing fact 1: I've listened to the Titanic Soundtrack for the last three days, at least four times through, and each time The Portrait comes on, I ugly cry. The movie is sad, but the music guts me, because it conjures up other sad/bad feelings in me. And I can't quit it. I have more embarrassing facts, but I'll save them for later, because I'm lazy and I want to go watch Dune and eat ice cream and forget about my troubles for a bit. (Mainly applying for a butt ton of jobs and not hearing anything back again, even after they contacted me and were interested.) I need a teaching job. Does anyone have a 7th-8th grade Language Arts position open for a newly graduated teacher, who is certified in the state of Ohio and is totally open to applying to other states to teach as well? If so hit me up in the comments. Some reasons why you should consider me: 1. I love grammar. I have taught grammar to sixth graders who loved it and told me in my rating surveys that I was the most fun teacher they ever had for grammar. 2. I read close to 200 books a year. 3. I love learning and sharing it with others. 4. I love inspiring students to be more than they ever thought they could be, to give them hope for their future, and something to look forward to. 5. I can run a copier like no one's business. For real though. I am pretty handy with grunt work and projects like that. I used to work in an office for like two years, and I'm really good at it. 6. Most of all, I love working with kids every day and laughing at things they say, and getting smiles out of the grumpy students who don't like school, and finally getting a concept across to a student and seeing that light bulb moment. Totally worth all the lesson planning and late hours and tossing and turning at night.

Monday, July 05, 2010


I am taking a creative writing class right now and I'm working on a 120,000 word story. I am nearly finished with it, just updating dialogue and adding some lines in here and there. I've found that writing fiction is much harder than it seems. Bad fiction is easy to write, but the good stuff, that takes a killer idea, great execution, and the ability to write with prose and imagery.
I am just proud of the fact that I started a story and finished it, all 120,000 words of it. I liked the ending, I liked the plotline for the most part. But, as soon as it's graded, it will be going in the trashcan. I like writing, but I don't think my calling in life is to write fiction.

Speaking of fiction, I have a friend who writes fan fiction and is currently working on a story that is a crossover between Gob Bluth from Arrested Development and Cristina Yang from Grey's Anatomy. I can't wait to read it, because I think that will be spectacular and hilarious.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Three Months and a New Outlook Later....

So it's been nearly three months since my last post. Mostly by forgetting to update and partly because I didn't want to.

Three months later these things have changed:

1. I am finding more good in people.
2. I am finding 3 good things for every single bad thing
3. I really appreciate my family and my TRUE friends more than I ever have
4. I am done pretending to be someone I'm not.

I simply don't have time for fake friends anymore. The ones who pretend to care, but don't really. The ones who spread slander and crap about me behind my back. I am done.

I am starting to hang out with people from school more and realize that it doesn't matter if you have friends in real life, online, back home, or anywhere. There are bad friends in all sectors. So I'm done killing myself for friendship that is fleeting at best. Thankfully I still have friends who will be with me through everything, still love me when I mess up, and who enjoy being with me and actually like me.


And as I embark into a new semester filled with new classes and new people, I am excited about shedding off the old. THe old ways of looking at things, the old habits, and the old attitudes. On to new ands better things.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Update 2.0

So, I don't really feel that bad anymore about missing days. Maybe because I know that no one reads this anyways. So I guess I won't stress out that much when I don't update everyday. Oh and for the people who are reading this occasionally, if you want to respond with a comment you can. I opened up my commenting to everyone, even if you don't have a blogger account. I like to read your insights and thoughts.

Right now I am taking a major break to just sit and relax and listen to some music between classes. I have my playlist on and I'm just relaxing and doing what I want. I have spent the past three days giving my apartment a thorough fall cleaning. So yeah. My hands smell of bleach now. But I did "splurge" and bought some new dish towels and kitchen items. I guess it is not splurging, but items I needed, but I didn't really want to spend the money on them. Ugh. I bought two through pillows for $16. They are a nice shade of green. My apartment is now decorated in light blue, sage green, beige, and purple. It looks nice together.

My plans for the rest of the weekend include having people over tomorrow night for dinner. I am making a pot roast, cottage potatoes, green bean casserole, and a cake? I haven't decided on the dessert yet. I also need to finish cleaning my apartment thoroughly.

Which include:
1. Organizing living room.
2. Unplugging all cords, and appliances, and rearraging them so they don't show
3. Sweeping the floor, the curtains, and getting rid of all the cobwebs
4. Dusting
5. Mopping kitchen floor. And by that, a little bit of bleach mixed with cleaning solution and some scrubbing.
6. Mopping the bathroom floor, cleaning shower
7. Bedroom. Dusting, vacuuming, organizing.

Thankfully all my dishes are done and put away. The kitchen itself is clean. I already cleaned the fridge out. The living room is clean except for fixing the throw that goes over it, and finishing organizing all the crap.

I am going to finish it tonight. When I do, I'm going to sit down with a nice large mug of blueberry tea and my cookies I made last night and catch up on my dvr watching. My apartment is looking good so far though. Just need to tie up loose ends, but there is nothing like having a completely clean apartment.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Failure Part 2.

I lied. I seriously keep forgetting about my blog. But I promise to get better.

Tonight I'm going to focus on some tv shows that I absolutely love. This is my current DVR List:

2. Grey's Anatomy
3. The Office
4. One Tree Hill
5. Glee
6. Criminal Minds
8. CSI: Miami
9. Numb3rs
10. Ghost Whisperer
11. NCIS
12. The Soup
13. The Mentalist
14. Bill and Guilianna (one of my guilty pleasure shows)
15. Charmed (on 3x a day here; watching all the episodes in order is really nice so I don't have to buy them on dvd)
16. American Idol (as soon as it comes back)
17. Big Brother (as soon as it comes back)

Glee is my current favorite new show right now. It's hilariously funny and good singers/dancers with intrigue and romance= the perfect show for me.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I'm a Failure

I didn't have time to post yesterday, or I forgot. Which one makes me sound better? I am a complete and utter failure. I'm looking forward to finishing cleaning my apartment, and getting my homework for the week done, so I can focus on having a great weekend. That's about all going on. I promise to post twice today to make up for my horrible actions of forgetting a post.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Writer's Block

I'm told to avoid the writer's block,
You throw away your pen,
Get rid of all of your writing tools
Before you retire, and then
Your words will smoothly flow before
Your eyes in rhythmic beat
They'll move along with iambic steps
And walk on metric feet.
The brainstorms, yes, are plentiful.
The poetry lamp is lit.
But when I wake, I find I can't
Recall a word of it.- Author Unknown

I have definite writer's block today. So I guess the poem is fitting. I am exhausted. I think I'll take a nap.