Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Three Months and a New Outlook Later....

So it's been nearly three months since my last post. Mostly by forgetting to update and partly because I didn't want to.

Three months later these things have changed:

1. I am finding more good in people.
2. I am finding 3 good things for every single bad thing
3. I really appreciate my family and my TRUE friends more than I ever have
4. I am done pretending to be someone I'm not.

I simply don't have time for fake friends anymore. The ones who pretend to care, but don't really. The ones who spread slander and crap about me behind my back. I am done.

I am starting to hang out with people from school more and realize that it doesn't matter if you have friends in real life, online, back home, or anywhere. There are bad friends in all sectors. So I'm done killing myself for friendship that is fleeting at best. Thankfully I still have friends who will be with me through everything, still love me when I mess up, and who enjoy being with me and actually like me.


And as I embark into a new semester filled with new classes and new people, I am excited about shedding off the old. THe old ways of looking at things, the old habits, and the old attitudes. On to new ands better things.

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