Wednesday, November 21, 2007

This too shall pass.

I am at a stage in my life where I have become very self reflective. For many years I would do what I wanted, when I wanted to it. However, lately, I have started to become very self aware of what I am doing. I am seeing whether or not I'm doing it for selfish reasons, whether or not I am viewing a situation from an emotional standpoint, or whether or not I am actually seeing the real thing or just something I have imagined. While doing this I have also become much more of aware of my flaws and shortcomings. Believe me a few years ago, you would have not thought it was the same person. I refused to take responsibility for anything, I viewed everyone else as having the problem and not myself. But lately my views have shifted and change. I don't know if this is from growing and maturing in my relationship with Christ, but I believe it's necessary. I know that I may be annoying to some people who think I am only being  self reflective for selfish reasons, and only want attention, but I can guarantee that is not the case. I would much rather not focus on my flaws and faults and focus on trivial and meaningless things. However, I simply cannot do that any longer. I'm thankful that God is not yet done with me and not yet finished working in my life. I take great pleasure in knowing that God values me and finds me worthwhile to keep trying and testing me so that my faith becomes perfected. Thank you Jesus for placing me in the life you did, and for giving me a divine purpose and destiny.

On the other hand, I have noticed myself becoming more and more judgmental of other people, and becoming more and more withdrawn from social situations and from people in general. I know I have hurt some people with my actions and words, and have not always been the most easy person to understand, or the most easy person to deal with, but for those who have stuck by me through it all, I thank you deeply.  I am glad that the Lord has placed you in my life for such a time as this. Some of you, have been placed in my life to sharpen me, some to encourage me and give me strength, and some to just listen. Whatever part you play in my life, big or small, thank you for letting the Lord use you in my life. I pray that when all is said and done, my life will bring glory to the Father.

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

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