Monday, January 28, 2008


What a freaking long almost three months it's been...

To start off Christmas season was insane like usual. Went home did the usual home/family stuff. Break was nice.
Went back to school the beginning of this month and tried desperately to get back into the swing of things. I think it took me this long to figure out what a good sleep cycle does for school stuff. It doesn't hurt it, it helps it! Wow.

Back in December my dad took me to a Detroit RedWings hockey game for my birthday which was pretty much amazing. The Wings of course won 5-2 over the Hurricanes. I had a great time with my dad. I also got to go to a Jon McLaughlin concert as well, which was amazing.

Let's see I also bought some new electronic stuff, like an HD LCD TV and a hdd/dvd recorder. It of course is amazing.

School is going good. So far I'm doing well in my classes, last semester I got 3 A's and one B. So not too bad at all if I do say so myself.

I'm sore and tired. Of course the sore part is from pulling a muscle in my chest Wall and sleeping funny. And the tired part is me trying to be wonder woman, xena, and superwoman all the same time with no sleep and caffeine pills. Not a good mix. I think I"ll crash now.

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